I’m Ann Marie DeLuca, artist, photographer and yoga teacher. I’m passionate about working with yoga and expressive art for self-empowerment and healing. My unique approach, that I call Creative Explorations, reflects my own journey as a woman and an artist.
A healing crisis in 1995 (diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease) was the catalyst for a process of self-discovery, self-care, empowerment and transformation. I took charge of my health and my healing journey and reignited my love of both art and yoga. Plus, I committed to self-care at a deep level, and remain committed today. How I spend my time, with whom, and how I treat myself are priorities. Through my healing journey with expressive art, I learned that I could create new experiences of feeling good, flexible, grounded, and calm in my body.
My Education
I have an M.S. in Art Therapy and Counseling, am certified as a Yoga Teacher by Yoga Haven and am certified to teach yoga to children by Creative Kids Yoga.
My education, together with my personal experiences, informs my integrated approach to sharing yoga, mindfulness practices and the expressive arts. These practices that I have shared with individuals and groups are infused with compassion and meant to attune body, mind, and spirit to nature, thereby inspiring an integrative, holistic healing experience.
For myself, I create art and photography that interweave the threads of my own healing journey and yoga practice into mixed media collages that honor my spiritual approach to life. As a mindful creative mentor, I am equally passionate about helping you move through life challenges using expressive art and movement to ground and integrate your life experiences in a holistic and healing way.
I incorporate love of body, mind and spirit in both my individual and group sessions, encouraging self-care through practices that go beyond food, supplements and exercise. As I’ve grown through my personal struggles and found my healing path, I have become the artisan of my own life, crafting by hand, the fully creative life of my dreams. I want to help you do the same.
“Our library patrons enjoy the art workshop presented by Ann Marie DeLuca and are looking forward to having her back this season. Ann Marie provided all the materials and encouraged everyone to relax and embrace their inner artist.”
— Giovanna Fiorino-Iannace, PhD // Adult Programming and Outreach Librarian II